Vaani Research Station (Void)
30 Dec, 2016 12:14 pm
18 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
Liox 00:06 hi
UchihaJogeta 12:17 Fkn fuck you
Liox 12:19 gg
UchihaJogeta 12:22 Dont worry
UchihaJogeta 12:31 Eventually I will learn how to handle you doing THE SAME THING EVERY GAME
Liox 13:20 do that =)
Liox 13:24 Makes it more fun
UchihaJogeta 13:40 Cheesing piece of shit
Liox 14:00 Are you angry at me or at yourself? =)
UchihaJogeta 14:14 Angry at marines and liberators
Liox 14:41 then get a good deffense at AoE instead of trying to get airtoss on 2 1/2 bases
UchihaJogeta 14:51 I was trying something different
Liox 15:30 did not work out
UchihaJogeta 15:34 I realise
UchihaJogeta 15:37 Nothing does
Liox 15:38 Have you played mech terran before?
UchihaJogeta 16:07 I don't touch terran
Liox 16:16 you should or at least watch mech terran
Liox 16:22 or good deffensive protoss
Liox 16:28 my drop in your natural killed you
UchihaJogeta 16:36 Your drop in my natural did nothing
Liox 16:38 a mothership core and a few sentries /stalkers
UchihaJogeta 16:43 I forgot the corre lol
UchihaJogeta 16:55 I'm not getting fkn stalkers against terran though
Liox 17:03 you should
UchihaJogeta 17:03 Worst unit in the g ame
Liox 17:10 you had no defense against the drop
UchihaJogeta 17:11 A single marine does more damage
Liox 17:16 in this quite obvious drop space
UchihaJogeta 17:20 You caught me right after warp in
Liox 17:25 than I was lucky
Liox 17:25 that happens
UchihaJogeta 17:25 Have you ever made a battlecruiser?
Liox 17:25 yeah
Liox 17:25 but not against toss ^^
UchihaJogeta 17:25 Why not?
Liox 17:25 Nathanias does this Bc rush though
Liox 17:25 Because I don't survive the late game with BCs I think
UchihaJogeta 17:25 Have you tried actively making any unit other than the 4 you made this game?
Liox 17:25 I always needed the gas for ghosts/vikings/lib
UchihaJogeta 17:25 I wanna see battlecruisers
Liox 17:25 sure, I use ghosts and vikings and mines
UchihaJogeta 17:25 I wanna see hellion short range
Liox 17:25 I can try ^^
UchihaJogeta 17:25 I wanna see something else than those fucking 4 units
Liox 17:25 Well,
UchihaJogeta 17:25 MMML every.single.time -.-
Liox 17:25 if you practice any other sport you cannot invent the wheel every time
Liox 17:25 I actually find fun in mastering this style
Liox 17:25 and I am not good
UchihaJogeta 17:25 I just watched a series of polt vs showtime. Stalkers were used to handle libs, and every time he lost like 4 stalkers to get rid of one lib
Liox 17:25 The thing is
Liox 17:25 you did not loose because of libs
UchihaJogeta 17:25 not this time no
Liox 17:25 you lost because I was able to kill 2 mineral lines and a base
UchihaJogeta 17:25 I had to try something else
Liox 17:25 before I even had a single lib
UchihaJogeta 17:25 Cus I keep losing to libs
UchihaJogeta 17:25 I hate "having" to do so many things
Liox 17:25 Well, you have 3 options I think
UchihaJogeta 17:25 I HAVE to get canons in mineral line for widows
UchihaJogeta 17:25 I HAVE to get aoe for MMM
Liox 17:25 Option 1: you play an aggressive style with a warp prism
Liox 17:25 that keeps me back and you can take your third safely
Liox 17:25 Option 2: you rush for tempest (dont know if thats still the thing)
UchihaJogeta 17:25 I have games where I'm constantly 2 bases ahead
UchihaJogeta 17:25 And the fkn terran randomly allins me and wins
Liox 17:25 Option 3: you go for an AoE style and harass as good as you can
UchihaJogeta 17:25 Where are you from?
Liox 17:25 germany
UchihaJogeta 17:25 Shit
Liox 17:25 I think if you get allined by a terran then you did not have proper map control
UchihaJogeta 17:25 Meine deutsch ist nicht sehr gut, aber ich kann sprechen es am bisshen? XD
Liox 17:25 Nicht schlecht ^^
UchihaJogeta 17:25 I like you.
UchihaJogeta 17:25 Sorry for being mean, but my match history is filled with libs
Liox 17:25 I know ^^
Liox 17:25 Keep practicing
Liox 17:25 maybe watch a stream and ask a higher protoss
UchihaJogeta 17:25 Add me after the game, alrite? Gotta keep the nice people close.
UchihaJogeta 17:25 ....
Liox 17:25 they usually at least know how to play this stuff
UchihaJogeta 17:25 Higher protoss.. I AM higher protoss...
Liox 17:25 yeah well, you are diamond (like me)
UchihaJogeta 17:25 yeah.. right now lol
Liox 17:25 maybe ask a masters one ^^
UchihaJogeta 17:25 been gone for a long time
UchihaJogeta 17:25 Was master in WoL
Liox 17:25 I am envious ^^
UchihaJogeta 17:25 Trying to figurre out how to handle those fkn libs
Liox 17:25 I never reached masters ^^
UchihaJogeta 17:25 Don't fret. I didn't "finish a season" as masters either. I wanted 1000 wins picture haha
UchihaJogeta 17:25 Anyway, add me. I gotta brb