Sequencer LE
12 May, 2017 2:41 pm
06 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
WyScion 00:07 gLHF!
WyScion 00:09 k e r v e r n
AiuR 00:11 LOL
WyScion 00:25 pls donate mmr to poor people mmr fund bb
AiuR 00:35 haha
WyScion 00:47 i am pinching mmr pennies here
AiuR 00:52 :^)
WyScion 01:00 all i want is my promo to gold league
WyScion 01:14 has uchi done semseter yet?
AiuR 01:23 quarter system nope
WyScion 01:27 oh thats grim
AiuR 01:27 4-5 more weeks xd
WyScion 01:29 TTT
WyScion 01:36 finals start tomorrow lol
AiuR 01:39 oh shit
WyScion 01:42 im realllllllly confidnet tho
WyScion 01:45 in the first oe
WyScion 01:46 one
AiuR 03:46 uh hi
AiuR 03:48 LOL
WyScion 04:25 greet
AiuR 04:28 groot
WyScion 04:32 no u
AiuR 04:36 me toos tyhanks
AiuR 05:30 uh oh
WyScion 06:14 i fucked that up
AiuR 06:17
WyScion 06:17 gg