Catallena LE
Heart of the Swarm AutoMM
29 Aug, 2014 9:06 am
59 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
Penguin 00:42 plz dont murder me i am new
Holden 00:59 glhf
Holden 01:21 make lots of workers
Penguin 01:50 last game was my first game and some guy rushed my base in like 2 minutes and killed me zz
Holden 02:00 :(
Holden 04:36 make queen
Penguin 04:50 i needed 1 more overlord
Penguin 05:02 =P
Holden 05:07 shit lol
Holden 08:51 if you keep the queen like back more toward the mineral line
Holden 08:57 he can shoot the reaper easier
Penguin 08:59 those things are super annoying
Penguin 09:05 ok
Holden 09:36 make sure you geta new base
Holden 09:42 the one just downthe ramp
Penguin 09:52 ok
Holden 09:53 you always need that pretty early
Penguin 10:22 is there a certain time i should build extractors
Holden 10:59 against terran not as much but against another zerg you want it at about 14 drones
Holden 11:06 to get your ling speed upgrade
Penguin 11:13 ok
Holden 11:21 and against toss you will want roaches earlier sometimes
Holden 11:31 but your spine crawlers help alot you know them?
Penguin 11:49 spine crawlers?
Holden 12:01 yeah their a building in B tab
Holden 12:06 button C i think
Holden 12:22 if you have them at the top of ramp it helps hold alot
Penguin 12:41 its like a defense thing?
Holden 12:50 yeah
Holden 13:01 it has a really big range and 400 health
Penguin 13:20 and it can only hit melees right
Holden 13:32 only ground
Penguin 13:37 ok
Holden 13:39 the other one hits air
Penguin 15:36 im not very good at hotkeys in this lol
Penguin 15:50 there are so many
Holden 16:03 yeah that takes alot of memory time
Penguin 19:42 i pretty much build air units every game
Holden 19:59 gotta make a mix
Holden 20:11 mutas go good with lings and banes on the ground to help out
Penguin 21:04 yea i have some zerglings and mmutas now but usually its just mutas
Holden 22:22 pure muta will rare work because marines kill them so fast
Holden 22:33 you have to zoom around with them and not get hit
Penguin 23:00 does a clicking work well with these or only marines? i saw it on a sc stream =P
Holden 23:36 you want to mainly be focusing with mutas so it would be right click
Holden 23:56 you a click with them in a big fight to help them spread if you are fighting with them
Penguin 24:10 ok
Holden 24:14 but mainly you would want to focus down buildings and workers with themto cripple the terran
Penguin 24:27 what is that that keeps blowing up in this base lol
Holden 24:56 oh i left a mine there
Holden 25:09 it needs an overseer or a spore crawler to see
Holden 25:16 forgot about it
Penguin 28:02 lol
Penguin 28:26 im not safe anywhere
Penguin 30:48 qoq
Penguin 30:50 wow
Penguin 30:58 those marines destroyed me
Holden 31:12 yeah muta cant fight marine well
Penguin 31:16 i guess mutas aren't good vs marines
Holden 31:18 do you know about baneling?
Penguin 31:19 yea
Penguin 31:25 no
Penguin 31:33 are those suicide grunts?
Holden 31:41 yeah
Penguin 32:05 do i just spawn a bunch of zerglings for those?
Holden 32:19 you morph a zergling into baneling after you make a baneling nest
Holden 32:32 if you select a lign youll see the little option greyed out
Penguin 35:17 so baneling counters marines?
Holden 35:32 yeah see how much damage they did?
Penguin 35:32 wtf are u nuking me? LOL
Holden 35:42 if you had more they would all be dead
Holden 35:46 yeah nuke coming
Penguin 36:02 ok cool
Penguin 36:45 ogod with these nukes
Holden 38:32 lookout
Holden 38:39 gj
Penguin 39:03 north korea plz
Holden 39:12 lol
Penguin 40:05 holy shit
Holden 40:09 yeah man
Penguin 40:09 ...
Holden 40:17 thats how you kill marines
Penguin 40:17 these things are imba
Penguin 40:39 so last game
Penguin 40:47 the guy rushed zerglings
Penguin 40:52 but in like 2 minutes he hads
Penguin 40:58 10000000000 zerglings
Penguin 41:04 how is that possible?
Holden 41:21 well the queens can inject right?
Penguin 41:31 ??
Penguin 41:36 o
Penguin 41:37 yea
Penguin 41:56 but he did it so fast like i didnt even have an upgraded base yet
Penguin 42:10 he was level 105
Holden 42:30 banelings beat zerglings
Penguin 43:53 got a base
Holden 43:58 oh yeah building damage too
Holden 44:09 if someone has a big wall banelings will burst it
Holden 44:14 if they can reach melee
Holden 44:37 like you know that scene in lord of the rings where they blow up the gate at helms deep?
Holden 44:48 thats what banelings do to walls
Penguin 44:52 damn
Holden 46:47 okay see your lings
Penguin 47:04 yea
Holden 47:16 this raven has a missing that will only target 1 ling but it explodes the same way a baneling does right?
Holden 47:24 so if you can spread that 1 ling away
Holden 47:30 only he will die
Holden 47:41 but if you keep them together they all die
Penguin 47:54 so i should take them in groups
Penguin 47:59 small groups
Penguin 48:01 ?
Holden 48:09 its more mouse micro
Holden 48:21 you gotta quickly click the red one
Holden 48:25 and only the red one
Holden 48:29 and get him outta there
Penguin 48:36 ahh
Holden 49:00 ill do like the closest one to the raven watch for him to turn red
Holden 49:15 gogo
Holden 49:24 perfect
Penguin 49:46 so i just have to click the one thats going to die and get him out
Holden 49:55 thats a good thing to remember you can be winning by alot and then lose it all to one explosion
Holden 49:58 yeah exactly
Penguin 50:05 ahh
Holden 50:12 and you can actually pull the missile to the terran army possibly
Holden 50:17 it does friendly fire
Penguin 50:25 nice
Holden 51:05 almost hit the raven little far
Holden 51:09 but thats the idea
Holden 51:16 run toward the enemy with their own bomb
Penguin 51:25 ahh ok
Holden 52:54 bingo
Penguin 52:56 holy moly
Penguin 53:05 i didnt think it would kill it just do a little dmg
Holden 53:19 haha it does full damage to friendly
Holden 53:22 very dangerous
Holden 53:38 nuke gogo
Penguin 53:58 wow invis units
Penguin 54:01 LOL
Holden 54:06 yeah remeber the overseer?
Penguin 54:12 yea
Holden 54:16 select overlord and morph him to overseer
Holden 54:23 and you can make a few of them
Holden 54:40 they move quick to help scout and you can make fake marines to send to scout me
Penguin 54:47 that was pretty sick u trapped me in with invis units
Penguin 54:51 and nuked me
Penguin 54:54 not going to lie
Holden 55:09 yeah i was gonna try to tell you a trick for that
Holden 55:18 the banelings can be burst all on their own
Holden 55:26 with the explode command you see it?
Penguin 55:42 yea
Holden 55:54 so say they hit an invisible wall right?
Holden 56:00 you can manually burst them
Holden 56:09 and the invisible dudes would explode
Penguin 56:09 o wow didnt realize i could do that
Holden 56:34 yeah thats the main way to buy time for overseer
Holden 56:47 like if a dark templar is hitting a building you know where he is
Holden 56:55 you can go burst banelings around him
Penguin 57:17 did u only have 1 marine there?
Holden 57:27 1 ghost
Penguin 57:29 did that 1 marine just block an entire army?
Penguin 57:37 o
Holden 57:38 no lol that was like 5 ghosts
Holden 57:42 all cloaked
Penguin 59:39 im all out of gas =P