Hosted For

2.000 Atmosferas LE
03 May, 2021 7:59 pm
18 Min Game

Unit Produced Lost Kills Max Kills % Lost Avg Life Shortest Life Longest Life
119 106 159 6 89% 02:14 00:03 11:11
74 1 0 0 1% 14:55 01:06 18:20
59 38 106 7 64% 04:23 00:26 11:11
15 15 0 0 100% 00:33 00:33 00:33
15 11 0 0 73% 03:45 00:26 11:10
8 8 59 20 100% 01:02 00:35 01:28
5 1 7 4 20% 07:47 00:47 09:53


Supply (Estimate) Time Started Completed
Ability Name Current Game Count Avg Per Game Total Games Used
Move 46.8826
Attack 9476.8826
Calldown: MULE 15625
Command Center - Rally 54.3526
Cancel Structure Building 34.1718
Stimpack 3516.7114
Siege 106.4219
Unsiege 74.2917
Medivac - Load/Unload All 118.710
Scanner Sweep 69.1118
Factory - Lift Off 11.388
Starport - Lift Off 115
Factory - Land 11.638
Starport - Land 114
Lower 21.9225
Upgrade to Planetary Fortress 11.254
Upgrade to Orbital Command 32.225
Emergency Thrusters 11710