Lightshade LE
09 Jun, 2021 4:00 pm
44 Min Game

Unit Produced Lost Kills Max Kills % Lost Avg Life Shortest Life Longest Life
1849 1849 81 0 100% 00:05 00:01 00:10
958 958 81 0 100% 00:05 00:01 00:10
613 578 21 1 94% 02:27 00:12 08:01
595 595 0 0 100% 00:02 00:00 00:03
242 209 0 0 86% 08:06 00:05 39:56
125 107 53 4 86% 05:48 00:02 29:36
83 83 75 1 100% 00:09 00:01 00:53
59 36 0 0 61% 16:17 00:01 42:39
50 48 110 9 96% 06:08 00:18 31:30
50 30 57 6 60% 11:09 00:05 25:07
24 24 1 1 100% 01:08 00:18 04:02
22 22 0 0 100% 01:04 00:41 03:37
11 11 16 2 100% 03:58 03:13 04:37
11 11 9 2 100% 01:26 00:45 01:51
8 8 2 0 100% 00:45 00:41 00:50
8 6 0 0 75% 12:16 01:18 41:09
8 6 18 1 75% 10:54 03:40 29:36
7 1 22 0 14% 29:34 01:15 42:39


Supply (Estimate) Time Started Completed
Ability Name Current Game Count Avg Per Game Total Games Used
Corrosive Bile 2066.77111
Move 53.66336
Attack 19572.73595
Spawn Changeling 11433.39113
Spawn Larva 8935.23577
Cancel Structure Building 11.1747
Cancel Morph 11.27173
Mutate into Lair 21.24539
Mutate into Hive 31.16226
Mutate into Greater Spire 31.0757
Morph to Brood Lord 1310.8425
Morph to Overseer 75.35255
Spine Crawler - Uproot 102.94108
Spore Crawler - Uproot 32.68148
Spine Crawler - Root 113.93108
Spore Crawler - Root 52.97148
Lurker - Burrow 213.45143
Lurker - Unburrow 18.66130
Caustic Spray 1347.6916
Morph to Ravager 914.14117
Morph to Lurker 1518.97147
Spawn Locusts 4819.1631
Spawn Locusts 4819.1631