Concord LE
19 Jun, 2021 6:23 am
14 Min Game

Unit Produced Lost Kills Max Kills % Lost Avg Life Shortest Life Longest Life
65 25 0 0 38% 08:54 00:07 14:45
22 21 70 8 95% 02:22 00:11 09:51
21 21 6 2 100% 00:51 00:02 02:07
17 17 9 3 100% 00:23 00:08 01:00
15 12 0 0 80% 01:59 00:33 07:56
3 0 0 0 0% 07:25 07:25 07:25
1 1 0 0 100% 00:42 00:42 00:42


Supply (Estimate) Time Started Completed
Ability Name Current Game Count Avg Per Game Total Games Used
Move 2426
Attack 13495.931
Calldown: MULE 1415.4821
Calldown: Extra Supplies 11.0812
Cancel Structure Building 71.910
Cancel Morph 21.5616
Siege 97.258
Unsiege 13.85
Scanner Sweep 46.7512
Command Center - Lift Off 11.336
Command Center - Land 11.56
Barracks - Lift Off 32.4520
Factory - Lift Off 32.1520
Factory - Land 31.920
Barracks - Land 11.3312
Lower 85.0521
Raise 11.6913
Upgrade to Planetary Fortress 11.449
Upgrade to Orbital Command 23.7121
Lock On 106.510
KD8 Charge 23.7512