Jagannatha LE
21 Jul, 2021 6:12 pm
14 Min Game

Unit Produced Lost Kills Max Kills % Lost Avg Life Shortest Life Longest Life
340 319 0 0 94% 00:45 00:01 01:06
260 225 46 3 87% 01:31 00:02 08:10
135 124 0 0 92% 00:37 00:00 07:26
119 38 0 0 32% 08:47 00:12 14:47
51 50 58 6 98% 00:49 00:02 07:51
34 26 49 6 76% 02:58 00:41 09:00
26 2 0 0 8% 10:57 01:58 13:43
23 8 4 1 35% 05:51 00:06 09:39
10 3 13 1 30% 06:30 01:35 09:39
10 0 4 2 0% 12:34 11:42 13:29
2 0 0 0 0% 11:42 10:09 13:16


Supply (Estimate) Time Started Completed
Ability Name Current Game Count Avg Per Game Total Games Used
Transfusion 97.17488
Attack 280155.661029
Spawn Larva 8338.24944
Cancel Morph 11.44159
Mutate into Lair 11.21680
Mutate into Hive 11.11314
Mutate into Greater Spire 11.06174
Morph to Brood Lord 99.94129
Morph to Overseer 22.31426
Spine Crawler - Uproot 22.13119
Spore Crawler - Uproot 52.23257
Spine Crawler - Root 22.64119
Spore Crawler - Root 52.46257