Canyon of Tribulation
23 Mar, 2021 2:38 pm
15 Min Game

Unit Produced Lost Kills Max Kills % Lost Avg Life Shortest Life Longest Life
136 136 80 8 100% 00:46 00:00 02:42
84 55 2 1 65% 05:37 00:02 15:28
19 13 0 0 68% 04:03 00:14 10:57
9 9 0 0 100% 00:33 00:33 00:33
3 3 3 2 100% 00:25 00:09 00:33
2 2 18 14 100% 01:05 00:59 01:11


Supply (Estimate) Time Started Completed
Ability Name Current Game Count Avg Per Game Total Games Used
EMP 352
Move 12.8136
Attack 362252.7766
Calldown: MULE 1010.0756
Calldown: Extra Supplies 61.9236
Cancel Structure Building 35.3154
Cancel Morph 33.8559
Cancel Production 21.1712
Stimpack 2820.7322
Medivac - Load/Unload All 76.7621
Scanner Sweep 54.9628
Command Center - Load/Unload All 12.297
Factory - Lift Off 11.5937
Starport - Lift Off 11.1422
Factory - Land 21.2128
Starport - Land 1121
Lower 55.5262
Upgrade to Orbital Command 22.7957
Orbital Command - Lift Off 11.58
Orbital Command - Land 11.56
Activate Mine 410.1817
Deactivate Mine 23.7512
Emergency Thrusters 146.9224