Naufragés EC
20 Aug, 2021 3:49 pm
23 Min Game

Unit Produced Lost Kills Max Kills % Lost Avg Life Shortest Life Longest Life
428 399 2 1 93% 01:17 00:06 02:24
346 323 206 7 93% 01:48 00:05 14:51
229 229 0 0 100% 00:02 00:00 00:03
102 27 0 0 26% 16:23 00:13 23:33
91 70 28 3 77% 03:54 00:03 12:37
58 55 129 12 95% 01:47 00:00 14:24
34 15 0 0 44% 12:14 01:13 23:17
12 11 0 0 92% 03:54 01:13 17:11
10 3 51 11 30% 10:15 01:20 14:07
9 1 7 3 11% 17:26 07:02 22:11
7 7 17 0 100% 01:47 01:40 02:05
4 4 4 1 100% 00:01 00:00 00:01


Supply (Estimate) Time Started Completed
Ability Name Current Game Count Avg Per Game Total Games Used
Explode 11.4370
Transfusion 124.27117
Attack 18494.48504
Spawn Changeling 46.4477
Set Rally Point 13.85
Spawn Larva 7547.93425
Cancel Structure Building 12.8981
Cancel Morph 11.47143
Gather/Return Cargo 1348.05410
Mutate into Lair 21.45368
Mutate into Hive 11.14207
Mutate into Greater Spire 11.2326
Morph to Brood Lord 310.7524
Morph to Overseer 32.78196
Caustic Spray 113.9345
OverseerMorphtoOverseerSiegeMode 2212
OverseerSiegeModeMorphtoOverseer 115