Fields of Death
23 Nov, 2021 1:50 pm
27 Min Game

Unit Produced Lost Kills Max Kills % Lost Avg Life Shortest Life Longest Life
98 89 0 0 91% 05:34 00:12 26:07
59 59 0 0 100% 00:33 00:33 00:33
46 44 3 2 96% 01:28 00:04 16:51
39 31 266 20 79% 03:45 00:05 15:23
12 12 47 11 100% 01:39 00:15 04:53
1 1 0 0 100% 00:26 00:26 00:26
1 1 6 6 100% 05:12 05:12 05:12
1 1 2 2 100% 01:13 01:13 01:13


Supply (Estimate) Time Started Completed
Ability Name Current Game Count Avg Per Game Total Games Used
Repair 126.437
Yamato Cannon 1016.676
Attack 1934.388
MULE - Repair 112
Calldown: MULE 1617.758
Cancel Morph 331
Cancel Production 111
Siege 1387
Unsiege 136
Scanner Sweep 976
Command Center - Load/Unload All 434
Command Center - Lift Off 765
Command Center - Land 74.45
Barracks - Lift Off 13.138
Factory - Lift Off 128
Factory - Land 11.58
Barracks - Land 11.638
Lower 22.56
Raise 11.45
Upgrade to Planetary Fortress 44.25
Upgrade to Orbital Command 76.888
Orbital Command - Lift Off 331
Orbital Command - Land 221
Tactical Jump 84.437
KD8 Charge 11.333
BattlecruiserAttack 3759.147
BattlecruiserMove 131
BattlecruiserMove 131
BattlecruiserMove 131