Arctic Dream LE
18 Dec, 2021 11:11 pm
14 Min Game

Unit Produced Lost Kills Max Kills % Lost Avg Life Shortest Life Longest Life
295 277 0 0 94% 00:42 00:14 00:48
165 115 433 12 70% 03:04 00:11 11:49
86 20 0 0 23% 09:46 00:16 14:35
25 1 0 0 4% 11:01 02:55 14:35
18 18 0 0 100% 00:02 00:00 00:03
9 6 0 0 67% 03:04 00:08 08:23
7 4 14 0 57% 03:55 00:29 08:23
5 0 9 4 0% 12:38 11:19 13:15
4 4 4 2 100% 01:51 01:49 01:53
2 2 15 0 100% 01:33 01:32 01:33


Supply (Estimate) Time Started Completed
Ability Name Current Game Count Avg Per Game Total Games Used
Corrosive Bile 1318.679
Move 27.2818
Attack 17493.3931
Spawn Larva 4845.6128
Gather/Return Cargo 32.220
Mutate into Lair 1123
Mutate into Hive 11.0715
Lurker - Burrow 59.867
Lurker - Unburrow 166
Morph to Ravager 1911
Morph to Lurker 1313.577