Czarny Żar ER
03 May, 2022 7:38 am
20 Min Game

Unit Produced Lost Kills Max Kills % Lost Avg Life Shortest Life Longest Life
339 329 0 0 97% 00:42 00:12 01:36
157 157 0 0 100% 00:01 00:00 00:03
105 37 0 0 35% 12:27 00:12 20:54
104 100 29 3 96% 01:15 00:00 10:28
65 65 117 7 100% 01:09 00:19 03:22
29 9 0 0 31% 13:25 01:38 19:02
24 24 2 2 100% 00:25 00:03 04:04
18 18 3 1 100% 00:43 00:15 02:00
13 13 18 0 100% 00:47 00:15 02:00
9 9 18 3 100% 02:23 01:40 05:15
9 9 0 0 100% 02:34 00:01 04:20
7 3 0 0 43% 11:10 00:59 18:37
6 6 0 0 100% 05:55 04:52 07:27


Supply (Estimate) Time Started Completed
Ability Name Current Game Count Avg Per Game Total Games Used
Transfusion 11.676
BlindingCloud 532
Corrosive Bile 61102.6444
Move 22.1539
Attack 130108.9588
Spawn Larva 5136.7778
Cancel Morph 117
Mutate into Lair 11.0373
Mutate into Hive 1139
Mutate into Greater Spire 1110
Morph to Brood Lord 137.449
Morph to Overseer 62.7730
Generate Creep/Stop Generate Creep 12.1937
Abduct 168.52
Morph to Ravager 1210.8244