Hosted For

Berlingrad LE
16 May, 2022 6:19 pm
17 Min Game

Unit Produced Lost Kills Max Kills % Lost Avg Life Shortest Life Longest Life
426 403 0 0 95% 00:51 00:06 02:52
288 227 59 5 79% 02:17 00:03 10:03
132 50 0 0 38% 09:49 00:05 17:52
99 91 91 8 92% 01:39 00:05 11:36
37 30 85 5 81% 03:11 00:26 11:36
35 13 0 0 37% 08:56 01:08 16:44
26 26 55 8 100% 00:38 00:12 01:22
16 16 11 1 100% 00:16 00:03 00:53
9 9 0 0 100% 00:00 00:00 00:01
9 9 4 0 100% 02:56 01:44 05:55
8 5 7 2 63% 07:34 00:38 16:34
6 4 0 0 67% 04:41 01:05 10:31


Supply (Estimate) Time Started Completed
Ability Name Current Game Count Avg Per Game Total Games Used
Transfusion 43.510
Stop 13.6411
Move 34.5511
Attack 15890.5714
Spawn Changeling 345
Spawn Larva 6636.2114
Cancel Production 21.510
Gather/Return Cargo 106.1712
Mutate into Lair 1111
Mutate into Hive 115
Morph to Overseer 93.7311
Spore Crawler - Uproot 11.836
Spore Crawler - Root 13.176
Abduct 139.754
Consume 1611.254
Lurker - Burrow 3923.54
Lurker - Unburrow 3117.54
Morph to Lurker 5033.54
Parasitic Bomb 441
OverseerMorphtoOverseerSiegeMode 11.65