Hosted For

Nightscape LE
13 Aug, 2022 10:01 am
19 Min Game

Unit Produced Lost Kills Max Kills % Lost Avg Life Shortest Life Longest Life
123 111 51 3 90% 01:42 00:01 09:59
96 61 2 2 64% 08:00 00:00 19:06
14 11 141 28 79% 03:36 00:17 09:46
13 13 0 0 100% 00:33 00:33 00:33
12 12 9 4 100% 00:20 00:09 00:35
10 10 19 5 100% 01:00 00:18 02:04
4 3 0 0 75% 06:19 02:33 14:34
2 2 1 0 100% 00:35 00:35 00:35


Supply (Estimate) Time Started Completed
Ability Name Current Game Count Avg Per Game Total Games Used
Attack 3735.176
Calldown: MULE 10101
Cancel Structure Building 323
Cancel Production 112
Stimpack 111
Siege 17171
Unsiege 881
Medivac - Load/Unload All 331
Scanner Sweep 441
Lower 331
Upgrade to Planetary Fortress 111
Upgrade to Orbital Command 771
MorphToHellion 111
MorphToHellionTank 111
Emergency Thrusters 111
High Impact Payload 111