Hosted For

Tuonela LE
16 Sep, 2023 10:47 pm
15 Min Game

Unit Produced Lost Kills Max Kills % Lost Avg Life Shortest Life Longest Life
83 29 0 0 35% 08:57 00:08 15:10
36 29 7 2 81% 01:54 00:01 08:48
16 16 0 0 100% 00:26 00:03 00:33
15 15 27 11 100% 00:54 00:15 02:08
13 8 7 2 62% 03:46 00:12 10:39
10 10 16 5 100% 00:24 00:06 00:44


Supply (Estimate) Time Started Completed
Ability Name Current Game Count Avg Per Game Total Games Used
Move 63.2313
Attack 11382.7929
MULE - Repair 21.52
Calldown: MULE 148.676
Calldown: Extra Supplies 32.56
Cancel Structure Building 61.8614
Cancel Morph 21.54
Siege 99.54
Unsiege 12.754
Scanner Sweep 63.56
Command Center - Lift Off 112
Command Center - Land 112
Barracks - Lift Off 11.54
Factory - Lift Off 21.54
Factory - Land 11.254
Lower 21.836
Upgrade to Planetary Fortress 123
Upgrade to Orbital Command 33.336
Activate Mine 168.54
High Impact Payload 12121