Royal Blood LE
17 Sep, 2023 3:20 pm
14 Min Game

Unit Produced Lost Kills Max Kills % Lost Avg Life Shortest Life Longest Life
307 257 0 0 84% 01:32 00:00 10:52
147 75 2 1 51% 06:09 00:05 14:50
42 42 15 2 100% 00:30 00:02 01:41
30 4 0 0 13% 09:20 01:50 13:33
26 1 35 6 4% 08:13 00:21 09:35
25 19 100 8 76% 04:49 01:48 11:16
16 5 18 4 31% 07:54 00:05 12:55
12 12 12 1 100% 00:00 00:00 00:00
10 10 33 2 100% 00:53 00:19 01:41
9 5 11 9 56% 04:35 00:49 09:18
6 3 1 0 50% 06:34 01:50 10:56
6 0 76 1 0% 09:34 09:34 09:35


Supply (Estimate) Time Started Completed
Ability Name Current Game Count Avg Per Game Total Games Used
Explode 21.4321
Fungal Growth 757
Transfusion 119.0557
Move 104.45444
Attack 101124.62502
Spawn Changeling 217.1838
Spawn Larva 6749.5199
Cancel 12.54
Cancel Morph 12.86249
Cancel Production 41.76233
Mutate into Lair 11.7778
Mutate into Hive 11.6856
Morph to Overseer 55.1355
Spore Crawler - Uproot 12.0728
Spore Crawler - Root 23.5428
Lurker - Burrow 1511.4122
Lurker - Unburrow 66.3321
Morph to Lurker 515.4522
MorphToBaneling 9122.2471
MorphToBaneling 9122.2471
MorphToBaneling 9122.2471