Solaris LE
24 Dec, 2023 9:53 am
35 Min Game

Unit Produced Lost Kills Max Kills % Lost Avg Life Shortest Life Longest Life
584 566 0 0 97% 01:08 00:00 32:20
472 437 55 4 93% 02:07 00:00 18:45
168 115 0 0 68% 12:21 00:00 35:23
90 84 75 10 93% 04:26 00:12 25:58
73 73 0 0 100% 00:01 00:00 00:03
70 70 63 1 100% 02:08 00:19 06:42
53 50 123 10 94% 04:50 00:22 25:58
43 26 0 0 60% 14:57 00:45 32:46
22 22 14 0 100% 03:51 01:39 06:42
17 11 10 2 65% 13:17 01:28 29:47
15 12 1 0 80% 13:22 07:27 32:46
12 12 0 0 100% 02:29 00:21 05:22
12 11 1 1 92% 02:49 00:39 19:39
6 5 1 0 83% 04:39 01:36 19:39
5 5 3 1 100% 00:15 00:05 00:53
3 3 3 3 100% 02:50 01:23 04:31


Supply (Estimate) Time Started Completed
Ability Name Current Game Count Avg Per Game Total Games Used
Fungal Growth 53.52
Transfusion 130636
BlindingCloud 881
Stop 221
Move 159.437
Attack 231142.577
Spawn Changeling 684
Spawn Larva 14357.437
Cancel Production 21.65
Gather/Return Cargo 39.45
Mutate into Lair 31.56
Mutate into Hive 11.336
Mutate into Greater Spire 113
Morph to Brood Lord 1212.673
Baneling - Burrow 582
Baneling - Unburrow 442
Zergling - Burrow 44.52
Zergling - Unburrow 21.52
Nydus Network - Load/Unload All 11107.52
Infestor - Burrow 111
Morph to Overseer 148.54
Generate Creep/Stop Generate Creep 32.56
Spine Crawler - Uproot 105.673
Spore Crawler - Uproot 2810.254
Spine Crawler - Root 178.333
Spore Crawler - Root 3412.54
Abduct 5372
Consume 4639.52
Lurker - Burrow 5530.254
Lurker - Unburrow 30154
Morph to Lurker 37314
Nydus Worm - Load/Unload All 110105.673
Parasitic Bomb 14141
OverseerMorphtoOverseerSiegeMode 22.52
OverseerSiegeModeMorphtoOverseer 22.52
MorphToBaneling 55201.56
MorphToBaneling 55201.56
MorphToBaneling 55201.56