Site Delta LE
25 Dec, 2023 6:11 pm
21 Min Game

Unit Produced Lost Kills Max Kills % Lost Avg Life Shortest Life Longest Life
327 287 0 0 88% 02:01 00:00 15:10
125 48 0 0 38% 12:21 00:26 21:11
70 58 11 2 83% 02:42 00:05 13:02
44 24 36 5 55% 07:09 00:05 14:16
43 16 161 14 37% 08:59 00:41 15:44
33 6 0 0 18% 14:23 00:20 20:07
20 20 7 4 100% 01:12 00:19 02:35
9 9 38 0 100% 01:51 01:01 02:35
9 0 1 1 0% 17:41 12:15 19:46
5 3 0 0 60% 09:52 01:13 20:07
2 2 2 1 100% 00:00 00:00 00:00
1 1 1 0 100% 02:20 02:20 02:20


Supply (Estimate) Time Started Completed
Ability Name Current Game Count Avg Per Game Total Games Used
Corrosive Bile 17576.9730
Move 113.6362
Attack 8659.1985
Spawn Changeling 32.6819
Spawn Larva 6642.1184
Cancel Production 11.4858
Mutate into Lair 11.4472
Mutate into Hive 21.6730
Morph to Overseer 42.7654
Generate Creep/Stop Generate Creep 61.7117
Morph to Ravager 2722.8432
OverseerMorphtoOverseerSiegeMode 22.2934
OverseerSiegeModeMorphtoOverseer 12.1817
MorphToBaneling 1154.8143
MorphToBaneling 1154.8143
MorphToBaneling 1154.8143