Alcyone LE
16 May, 2024 5:20 pm
27 Min Game

Unit Produced Lost Kills Max Kills % Lost Avg Life Shortest Life Longest Life
79 56 0 0 71% 10:51 00:04 27:28
63 60 39 5 95% 01:29 00:03 15:30
34 30 0 0 88% 02:08 00:33 13:58
25 24 66 8 96% 01:59 00:06 15:25
25 19 46 6 76% 04:56 00:27 14:46
11 11 39 6 100% 03:04 02:03 04:01
11 4 22 4 36% 09:37 00:25 14:32
9 6 23 3 67% 05:54 00:25 15:30
7 7 71 18 100% 01:10 00:14 01:46
5 5 15 14 100% 02:10 00:38 05:03
3 0 1 1 0% 18:36 14:33 26:35
2 2 0 0 100% 00:53 00:50 00:56


Supply (Estimate) Time Started Completed
Ability Name Current Game Count Avg Per Game Total Games Used
Repair 21.52
Yamato Cannon 12121
Stop 125125.52
Move 22.52
Attack 51452
Calldown: MULE 3421.52
Calldown: Extra Supplies 132
Cancel Structure Building 21.52
Cancel Morph 22.52
Siege 23162
Unsiege 116.52
Scanner Sweep 432
Assault Mode 532
Fighter Mode 221
Command Center - Load/Unload All 441
Command Center - Lift Off 55.52
Command Center - Land 66.52
Barracks - Lift Off 54.52
Factory - Lift Off 332
Starport - Lift Off 112
Factory - Land 222
Starport - Land 112
Lower 108.52
Raise 432
Upgrade to Planetary Fortress 552
Upgrade to Orbital Command 222
Build Auto-Turret 111
Planetary Fortress - Cancel Queue 111
MorphToHellion 111
MorphToHellionTank 45.52
Activate Mine 771
Deactivate Mine 221
Tactical Jump 331
High Impact Payload 12.52
Explosive Payload 112
Defender Mode 128.52
Fighter Mode 642
BattlecruiserAttack 331
BattlecruiserStop 20201
BattlecruiserMove 131
BattlecruiserMove 131
BattlecruiserMove 131
RavenShredderMissile 111