Alcyone LE
09 Jul, 2024 8:55 pm
23 Min Game

Unit Produced Lost Kills Max Kills % Lost Avg Life Shortest Life Longest Life
175 166 333 9 95% 01:47 00:08 14:07
112 38 1 1 34% 14:12 00:16 23:01
36 31 115 12 86% 03:12 00:05 13:51
34 34 0 0 100% 00:33 00:24 00:33
26 0 123 9 0% 12:35 12:09 12:57
22 16 160 22 73% 05:49 00:17 19:35
18 3 0 0 17% 13:49 00:34 19:45
1 1 2 2 100% 01:34 01:34 01:34


Supply (Estimate) Time Started Completed
Ability Name Current Game Count Avg Per Game Total Games Used
Repair 12.0426
Personal Cloacking 453
Stop 22.6295
Move 167.53276
Attack 595265.93282
Salvage 11.1339
Spray 11.246
Calldown: MULE 2612.41118
Calldown: Extra Supplies 11.4856
Gather/Return Cargo 23.03102
Cancel Structure Building 24.85173
Cancel Morph 106.88137
Cancel Production 21.99155
Stimpack 3821.51103
Siege 2410.161
Unsiege 74.4455
Medivac - Load/Unload All 1211.9896
Scanner Sweep 3712.26102
Bunker - Load/Unload All 23.2291
Command Center - Lift Off 11.9463
Command Center - Land 11.8761
Barracks - Lift Off 51.4243
Factory - Lift Off 11.4676
Starport - Lift Off 31.1154
Factory - Land 11.374
Starport - Land 31.1353
Lower 128.19122
Raise 53.55112
Upgrade to Planetary Fortress 93.4551
Upgrade to Orbital Command 173.32120
Orbital Command - Lift Off 42.0365
Orbital Command - Land 82.1162
Emergency Thrusters 119.5199
KD8 Charge 35.54107
ChannelSnipe 3891.9224
PortCity_Bridge_UnitNE10Out 3891.9224