Ghost River LE
06 Sep, 2024 3:13 pm
27 Min Game

Unit Produced Lost Kills Max Kills % Lost Avg Life Shortest Life Longest Life
113 77 0 0 68% 08:42 00:01 27:40
56 50 37 4 89% 01:17 00:05 05:06
46 36 0 0 78% 00:32 00:11 01:05
31 25 135 3 81% 01:41 00:18 05:06
24 19 113 15 79% 01:44 00:06 03:43
11 11 153 28 100% 03:57 00:45 08:39
7 7 146 61 100% 03:41 01:21 06:52
6 6 4 1 100% 00:18 00:01 00:53
6 4 23 13 67% 09:08 00:18 22:31
5 4 63 38 80% 01:44 00:12 05:24
4 4 8 4 100% 07:48 07:10 08:55
1 1 2 2 100% 01:03 01:03 01:03
1 1 5 5 100% 05:13 05:13 05:13


Supply (Estimate) Time Started Completed
Ability Name Current Game Count Avg Per Game Total Games Used
Repair 62.25
Personal Cloacking 551
Yamato Cannon 5027.54
Nuclear Strike 551
Move 1216.7311
Attack 789611
Ghost - Hold Fire 481
Spray 481
Calldown: MULE 4628.4511
Calldown: Extra Supplies 113
Cancel Structure Building 11.25
Cancel Production 112
Siege 1524.388
Unsiege 69.638
Scanner Sweep 218.336
Command Center - Lift Off 44.6411
Command Center - Land 65.5511
Barracks - Lift Off 21.65
Factory - Lift Off 11.110
Factory - Land 11.110
Barracks - Land 11.673
Lower 73.8211
Raise 42.449
Upgrade to Planetary Fortress 64.888
Upgrade to Orbital Command 53.9111
Orbital Command - Lift Off 21.56
Orbital Command - Land 21.45
MorphToHellionTank 874
Activate Mine 915.388
Deactivate Mine 467
Tactical Jump 135.85
High Impact Payload 97.333
ChannelSnipe 121
PortCity_Bridge_UnitNE10Out 121
BattlecruiserAttack 66185
BattlecruiserMove 5143
BattlecruiserMove 5143
BattlecruiserMove 5143