Hosted For

Goldenaura LE
29 Oct, 2024 2:58 pm
19 Min Game

Unit Produced Lost Kills Max Kills % Lost Avg Life Shortest Life Longest Life
486 461 1 1 95% 00:27 00:00 07:46
464 461 48 6 99% 00:45 00:01 12:52
144 75 1 1 52% 07:56 00:09 19:20
143 143 105 0 100% 00:58 00:08 02:35
36 36 0 0 100% 00:01 00:00 00:03
26 8 0 0 31% 10:17 01:07 16:28
22 22 9 2 100% 01:13 00:05 01:56
22 21 62 14 95% 01:09 00:01 04:28
19 15 1 1 79% 01:54 00:24 04:12
13 13 2 1 100% 02:08 01:08 03:21
5 4 0 0 80% 00:46 00:37 00:49
4 4 1 0 100% 05:03 01:07 08:39
3 3 6 0 100% 02:49 02:32 03:21
3 3 2 1 100% 00:18 00:00 00:53
3 3 1 1 100% 01:12 01:06 01:15
1 1 0 0 100% 00:04 00:04 00:04
1 1 0 0 100% 07:56 07:56 07:56
1 1 0 0 100% 07:56 07:56 07:56


Supply (Estimate) Time Started Completed
Ability Name Current Game Count Avg Per Game Total Games Used
Neural Parasite 95.815
Transfusion 16.45598
BlindingCloud 42.9667
Move 53.61666
Attack 151109.32946
Spawn Changeling 63.3394
Spawn Larva 6934.06917
Cancel Production 32.51925
Gather/Return Cargo 2117.63870
Mutate into Lair 11.79747
Mutate into Hive 11.71408
Mutate into Greater Spire 11.17126
Zergling - Burrow 33.0495
Zergling - Unburrow 11.4520
Infestor - Burrow 12.9224
Morph to Overseer 43.05590
Consume 1513.54132
Morph to Ravager 37.07565
Nydus Worm - Load/Unload All 63.260
Parasitic Bomb 52.7966
Mutate Ventral Sacs 13.2173
Mutate Ventral Sacs 13.2173
MorphToBaneling 14753.61222