New Feature – Global Ladder Rankings

Introducing Global Ladder Rankings

We at Sc2ReplayStats were surprised and saddened when when offline earlier this week. But with encouragement from the community, Sc2ReplayStats is proud to add global ladder rankings to the website.

Click to view new ladder page

Click to view new ladder page

Rankings and Replay Stats — This allows you to see the rankings of all Starcraft 2 players — globally or per region, for any league. Additionally, this lets you view detailed match history and replays of anyone with a public profile, allowing you to find replays and statistics of your favorite players. Currently, this feature only covers 1v1 matches, but we plan to add team games and Archon mode in the future.


Improved Player Profile — Accompanying this update is an improved player profile page. Here you can view the profile statistics, ladder division, and replays of any player — such as how many games they’ve played as each race, how many players of each race are in their division, and detailed statistics from their replays.

New Profiles


A sincere thank you to mYinsanity and WinterStarcraft who encouraged and supported this project and the StarCraft 2 community as a whole.

Be sure to stay up to date with Sc2ReplayStats by following us on FaceBook and Twitter as we keep working towards bringing you the absolute best in StarCraft 2 related tools and utilities.

- staff

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