Hosted For

Atlantica Unlimited
24 Feb, 2021 12:22 am
01:01 Min Game


Replay Information

Format Expansion Type Date Length Winning Version
FFA Legacy Of the Void AutoMM_AI 24 Feb, 2021 12:22 am 01:01:52


Replay Player Resource Statistics

PlayerTeamWorkersResource CollectionAvg Unspent ResourcesSpending QuotientWorkers KilledResources Lost MineralsResources Lost Vespene
1 168 5,229 86,018 Excellent (93) 307 62,880 26,600
Player 2
2 55 1,395 1,430 Good (53) 0 7,425 1,139
Player 3
3 80 1,990 1,348 Excellent (83) 2 10,025 1,975
Player 4
4 260 1,985 25,047 Very Poor (-19) 314 65,350 17,825
Player 5
5 150 1,649 2,691 Average (43) 1 12,975 1,125
Player 6
6 259 4,931 51,288 Excellent (97) 315 105,814 41,201
Player 7
7 176 5,753 36,610 Excellent (148) 486 132,833 79,096
Player 8
8 214 3,829 6,326 Excellent (117) 65 27,200 6,500
Player 9
9 224 2,685 5,066 Very Good (70) 70 21,825 2,375
Player 10
10 130 3,835 12,225 Excellent (94) 5 23,350 4,650

Replay Player Unit Statistics

PlayerTeamMMRUnits ProducedUnits KilledStructures KilledSupply BlockedAPMSPM
1 0 1090 1258 159 00:43 43 3.01
Player 2
2 0 88 32 0 00:07 158 0.00
Player 3
3 0 404 21 1 00:00 131 0.00
Player 4
4 0 659 478 93 00:15 127 0.00
Player 5
5 0 180 22 0 00:00 113 0.00
Player 6
6 0 1228 1714 224 02:35 460 0.00
Player 7
7 0 4061 1101 200 00:21 358 0.00
Player 8
8 0 1015 208 23 00:00 232 0.00
Player 9
9 0 282 178 10 00:05 177 0.00
Player 10
10 0 247 124 0 00:00 139 0.00

Replay Player Hero Unit

Governor Omar the Poison

Kills: 30





Master Rudy of the Mountains

Kills: 6