- Opponent vs flowerdance 30 Jun, 2022 8:04 pm -

30 Jun, 2022 8:04 pm
19 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
flowerdance 00:00 glgl
Opponent 00:00 lol
Opponent 00:11 you been waiting this whole time?
flowerdance 00:15 ?
Opponent 00:23 since out last game
flowerdance 00:26 wdym
Opponent 00:42 i played you
Opponent 00:45 went downstairs for 5 min
Opponent 00:46 come back up
flowerdance 00:47 were you the minerals tack guy
Opponent 00:47 queue
Opponent 00:48 and here you are
Opponent 00:59 yep
flowerdance 01:11 i played one before this
Opponent 01:27 all your games are sub 5min eh? lol
Opponent 01:33 #justprotossthings
flowerdance 01:38 yea
flowerdance 01:41 it was pvo
flowerdance 01:45 pvp
Opponent 01:56 good thing this is a pvd
Opponent 02:25 PvDEEZNUTS
flowerdance 02:38 :o
Opponent 03:38 kik
Opponent 09:24 lol
Opponent 11:16 fuck I wish my race was this amove
flowerdance 11:30 lol
Opponent 12:33 so obvious you map hack
Opponent 12:38 diamond league cancer
Opponent 19:07 fuck I cant wait for stormgate
Opponent 19:13 theres no reason you pathetic amove fags need to be masters
Opponent 19:17 youre just abusing your noob faggot units
Opponent 19:23 enjoy your cancer win
Opponent 19:26 because thats all you are
Opponent 19:29 is a fucking cancer on this game