- TJF vs TheRook 24 Mar, 2023 3:32 am -

Ancient Cistern LE
24 Mar, 2023 3:32 am
20 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
TheRook 00:00 g;hf
TJF 01:51 i hate toss players
TheRook 01:58 was to get you to stop m ining
TheRook 02:01 dont even have forge
TJF 02:12 still i fcking hate toss players
TheRook 02:18 its the circle of life
TJF 02:27 yes toss is garbage circle of life
TJF 03:24 my alst gaem a toss tried to cannon rush me
TJF 03:33 and he dared to say ggwp
TheRook 03:34 I tend to only cannon rush in retaliation
TJF 04:00 thats what alltoss says
TheRook 04:06 :s
TJF 04:32 see what i mean toss are bs
TheRook 08:34 thats right we're BS
TheRook 08:37 cloaked banshees
TJF 08:49 dark templars thats pemanent?
TJF 08:52 i think not
TJF 08:58 and a perma cloaked detector
TJF 09:01 now thats bs
TJF 09:14 mothership??
TJF 09:16 ohhhh
TJF 10:10 and blink
TJF 10:34 makes dk even more op
TJF 18:50 i would say ggwp but all toss are bs
TheRook 18:56 ok crybaby
TJF 19:03 im not crying idiot
TJF 19:06 its fact
TJF 19:19 lol u moan about banshee vs a fcking mothership
TheRook 19:25 no mothership here
TJF 19:34 uh so toss dont have it?
TJF 19:38 ??
TheRook 19:43 did I build it?
TJF 19:56 nope but how many invisbkle units does ter have
TJF 20:02 and u moan about a banshee
TheRook 20:10 because tyou cried right from the start