Crimson Court LE
02 Apr, 2024 6:17 pm
24 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
FlashZ 00:00 gl hf
FlashZ 20:36 nice mh kkk
Forsen 21:05 scouting = maphack
FlashZ 21:07 kkkk
FlashZ 21:15 in the right position of my bloods
FlashZ 21:18 kk
Forsen 21:24 natural = tech buildings
FlashZ 21:31 kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
FlashZ 21:32 ok
FlashZ 24:27 ggggggggggggg
FlashZ 24:28 kkkkkkkkkkkkk
FlashZ 24:30 so hack broe