Crimson Court LE
02 Apr, 2024 6:17 pm
24 Min Game

Unit Produced Lost Kills Max Kills % Lost Avg Life Shortest Life Longest Life
80 40 0 0 50% 13:38 00:28 24:33
61 59 0 0 97% 00:55 00:04 12:35
40 40 113 10 100% 03:17 01:24 05:02
31 29 69 7 94% 02:19 00:22 12:30
26 19 87 16 73% 06:07 00:13 20:58
18 5 191 52 28% 12:52 01:00 18:48
14 10 11 3 71% 06:29 01:49 12:24
10 0 173 43 0% 18:23 15:34 19:41
7 4 62 24 57% 08:54 02:10 16:05
4 4 11 4 100% 00:59 00:44 01:09
4 4 4 1 100% 00:06 00:04 00:09
4 0 0 0 0% 20:49 20:11 22:02
2 0 28 15 0% 13:53 13:49 13:58
1 0 0 0 0% 12:25 12:25 12:25


Supply (Estimate) Time Started Completed
Ability Name Current Game Count Avg Per Game Total Games Used
Repair 94.25135
Personal Cloacking 98.05111
Nuclear Strike 812.1996
EMP 131.12117
Stop 11.6665
Move 916.36191
Attack 222229.41196
Ghost - Hold Fire 28.3100
Spray 28.3100
Ghost - Weapons Free 11.3735
Calldown: MULE 3929.38189
Marauder - Stimpack 157.59100
Gather/Return Cargo 2414.11194
Cancel Structure Building 55.68166
Cancel Morph 22.38152
Stimpack 1527.09149
Siege 1528.1164
Unsiege 719.03159
Medivac - Load/Unload All 166.61147
Scanner Sweep 2642.25160
Assault Mode 13.9769
Command Center - Lift Off 65.44163
Command Center - Land 75.4161
Lower 78.12191
Raise 13.71171
Upgrade to Planetary Fortress 45.78154
Upgrade to Orbital Command 107.51190
Orbital Command - Lift Off 33.75140
Orbital Command - Land 23.33134
Activate Mine 6024.87147
Deactivate Mine 3815.61139
Emergency Thrusters 218.42150
Defender Mode 6082.06145
Fighter Mode 1815.96141
KD8 Charge 174.21144
ChannelSnipe 130167.788
PortCity_Bridge_UnitNE10Out 130167.788
BattlecruiserAttack 1020.4477