- CoffeeTime,Toxic,Svava,kapusta vs Wreck,griping,TRIBES,IIIIIIIIIII 16 Nov, 2024 2:07 pm -

Alaeni Enclave CE
16 Nov, 2024 2:07 pm
13 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
CoffeeTime 00:00 glhf
kapusta 00:07 wall ur self
Toxic 00:10 veto this stupid map
griping 00:10
kapusta 00:10 no one will help
kapusta 00:13 no
kapusta 00:16 wall ur self
Toxic 00:24 stay up
Toxic 00:26 wall of single
Toxic 00:27 dude
Toxic 00:29 dont fuck this up
kapusta 00:40 back dor man
Toxic 00:52 always a fu ckig moron in the team
Toxic 00:52 always
kapusta 02:39 all bases
kapusta 03:11 kk
kapusta 03:16 me naas vikings
Toxic 03:48 gogo __
Toxic 03:49 ??
kapusta 03:56 no
Toxic 04:14 roaches out
Toxic 04:19 now my hellions are useless
Toxic 04:36 how the fuck are we suppos to get out __
Toxic 07:08 we need to move guys
Toxic 07:20 get the nydus ffs
kapusta 09:56 gd
kapusta 09:57 f
kapusta 12:39 gg
Toxic 13:03 fu cking moron allys
CoffeeTime 13:09 gg