- Nibek,Arnack,YeshuaLovesU,Monarch vs Trollmonster,ShookNasty,CURTIS,cGChrome 27 Nov, 2024 11:45 pm -

27 Nov, 2024 11:45 pm
27 Min Game

Player Game Time Message
Monarch 00:05 TRIPPLE T
Monarch 00:12 going ground
Monarch 00:22 opening dt
YeshuaLovesU 00:45 this is the ramp I think
YeshuaLovesU 00:47 lol
YeshuaLovesU 01:23 ill help
YeshuaLovesU 01:24 wait
YeshuaLovesU 03:25 reapers
Monarch 03:49 i'll still drop dts
Monarch 03:52 to that fucker
YeshuaLovesU 03:58 GJ
YeshuaLovesU 04:00 THX
YeshuaLovesU 04:01 BLUE
YeshuaLovesU 04:12 COMING
YeshuaLovesU 04:13 WAIT
Trollmonster 05:24 Retard
YeshuaLovesU 05:33 its ok
YeshuaLovesU 05:35 ill send money
Trollmonster 06:13 retard
YeshuaLovesU 06:27 gj
Arnack 09:13 play man
Monarch 11:40 feed me
Monarch 11:42 comon
Monarch 11:47 killed like 5 base
Monarch 14:04 i need that base plz
YeshuaLovesU 19:13 woowowo
YeshuaLovesU 19:16 what a comebackl
YeshuaLovesU 19:18 WOW
YeshuaLovesU 19:20 W