Version 3.0!

Click here to visit 3.0!
SC2replaystats new slider

Check it out — not a single page unchanged! We’re super excited to bring you version 3.0 of In addition to having a fresh, cleaner, easier to read layout website-wide, it’s packed with new features and more to come in the next week.

Sc2replaystats New Replay

You can now view more detailed maps statistics — in addition to match-up win-rates you can also view your win-rates by game length and see information about how many bases, watch towers, and rocks the map has.

You’re now able to view your in-game league division on the website and see statistics like how many players of each race are in your division, how many points each race has in total, and each race’s average win-rate.

SC2replaystats new ladder

You can also now view your clan on the website and see the league and race distribution of your clan. You can see their position globally or by region as well as their record to check out which of your clan members is dominating the ladder the most.

SC2replaystats new division stats

Feel like something’s missing? Don’t worry! We wanted to get the new website to you as fast as possible so some features didn’t make the initial cut such as the long-awaited return of the Ladder Challenge which will come before the start of the next season. We’re never done adding new features!

We hope you have a blast checking out the new website!

We live off of your feedback, so feel free email us ( tweet us ( write too us on Facebook ( or leave a comment here with your thoughts on the new website!

If you enjoy this update, please consider subscribing to Elite Membership — its a great way of supporting the website, and getting something back for it too!

2 Responses to Version 3.0!

  1. Beautiful update with cool functions added. I do however miss the graphs for race specific win rates and the apm graph. I’m going to try out an elite account. The one thing I noticed about the training center data was that the “avg first gateway timing” is sort of misleading. It takes into account FFEs, nexus firsts, and proxy gates. Would it be possible to automatically distinguish these builds and provide a more meaningful statistic like “avg Gateway expand first gateway” This would particularly help out 2nd nexus timings as they change drastically between the builds as well.
    Great site. Keep up the good work.

  2. Love what you guys are doing, but I too miss the win/loss graph, APM graph, as well as the games played per day graph.

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