2014 S3 Ladder Challenge Update — Week 3

The third week of the Season 3 ladder challenge is over. Join if you haven’t already!

If you are new to the ladder challenge, learn more here or sign up!

 Note to our loyal readers: Weekly updates will be on hiatus next week.

Raffle Winner

Congratulations, dippikana! You win one month of Elite Membership!

Remember, every week you have a chance to win 1 month of Elite Membership if you play 20 games!


Progress Update

Congratulations BucketHeaD, the one player to reach level 7!


We would like to note that from now on, level 7 requires 110 games instead of 150.

Top 5 players for this week  are:



Clan Challenge Update

Every week, dozens of players battle in the Clan Challenge to represent their clan. Visit the clans listing and see how well your clan is doing!

Games This Week
Games Per Player

We’ve changed back to all-time instead of per week, but the top 5 all time clans will also show how many games they played this week.



We pulled average completion time for upgrades per each league this week. Check to see how your upgrade timings compare for the average of your league!

Average Stim Research Time

Stim is researched a full two minutes and ten seconds faster in Grandmaster then it is in Bronze!

Average Chitinous plating Timing

It looks like 22 is fairly standard from gold league and onwards.

Average Storm Timing vs Terran

Colossi openers probably drag the average storm timing downwards, meaning the faster average for Grandmaster could simply be because more Grandmaster players open Storm first.


Special Replays

Remember to tweet your replays to @sc2replaystats on twitter if you want them featured in this post!


Chattiest Replay

Chattiest replay was Fate vs ReMiix: http://sc2replaystats.com/replay/735390

A snippet:

ReMiiX 03:30 you think i dont know what poland is?
ReMiiX 03:40 t+t
Fate 03:41 95% of americans dont :p
ReMiiX 03:54 nahh we arent that bad
Fate 04:00 yes u are

Read the rest here!


Hero Units

This week we have a 72 kill Void Ray and 52 kill Oracle.

We cannot hold!
















I don’t know if the Zerg was a smurf trolling or someone trying out TheStaircase, but this Zerg player just sent endless waves of no-speed Zerglings at the unfortunate Protoss player. Watch the Protoss Heroes try to hold them off here: http://sc2replaystats.com/replay/737345

Base-trade Replay

At the start of the game, the map looked like this:









At the end, it looked like this:








Watch the crazy game here: http://sc2replaystats.com/replay/721595



If you are a producer of video content and would like to assist sc2replaystats.com by creating a promotion video for next season of the ladder season, get in touch with us at contact_us@sc2replaystats.com!

If you have any suggestions for what statistics you would like to see next time, let us know! Tweet @Sc2replaystats or send an email to contact_us@sc2replaystats.com!

- Sc2replaystats.com staff



2014 S3 Ladder Challenge Update — Week 2

The second week of the Season 3 ladder challenge is over. Join if you haven’t already! If you are new to the ladder challenge, learn more here or sign up!   Raffle Winner Congratulations, kashrut! You win one month of Elite Membership! Remember, every week you have a chance to win 1 month of Elite Membership if you play 20 games!   […]

2014 S3 Ladder Challenge Update — Week 1

The first week of the Season 3 ladder challenge is over. Join if you haven’t already! If you are new to the ladder challenge, learn more here or sign up!   Raffle Winner Congratulations, ILoveDubstep! You win one month of Elite Membership! Remember, every week you have a chance to win 1 month of Elite Membership if you play 20 games! […]

Season 3 Ladder Challenge Begins!

Click here to join the Ladder Challenge! Join the next ladder challenge! As StarCraft’s 2014 season 2 ends and season 3 begins, the second ever Sc2ReplayStats.com ladder challenge ends, and the third one begins. Last season, the Ladder Challenge motivated over 600 people to play on average 150 games; giving them the motivation they needed to bring […]

Ladder Challenge Update – Week 11

The tenth week is over for the 2014 season 2 ranked 1v1 ladder challenge, but it’s not too late to join! If you are new to the ladder challenge, learn more here or sign up!   Raffle Winner Congratulations, getReKt! You win one month of Elite Membership! Remember, every week you have a chance to win 1 month of Elite Membership if […]

Ladder Challenge Update — Week 10

The tenth week is over for the 2014 season 2 ranked 1v1 ladder challenge, but it’s not too late to join! If you are new to the ladder challenge, learn more here or sign up! Medieval Legends is this week’s laddering music. What do you listen to while you ladder?   Raffle Winner Congratulations, Clahva! You win one month of Elite […]

Ladder Challenge Update – Week 9

The seventh week is over for the 2014 season 2 ranked 1v1 ladder challenge, but it’s not too late to join! If you are new to the ladder challenge, learn more here or sign up! Can’t Change My Past is the song of choice for ladder music this week! What do you listen to while you ladder?   Raffle […]

Ladder Challenge Update – Week 8

The eighth week is over for the 2014 season 2 ranked 1v1 ladder challenge! It’s not too late to join! If you are new to the ladder challenge, learn more here or sign up! Time Will Remember Us is the epic ladder music of choice this week! Raffle Winner Congratulations, SCMothership! You win 1 month of Elite Membership! An email has been […]

Ladder Challenge Update – Week 7

The seventh week is over for the 2014 season 2 ranked 1v1 ladder challenge! It’s not too late to join! If you are new to the ladder challenge, learn more here or sign up! This week we have Diem Ex Dei for our regular mix of motivating ladder music! Raffle Winner Congratulations, cKoL! You win GM coaching from HTOMario! An […]

Website Updates – Twitch chat bot, notifications, parsing fixes, and more!

In our continued efforts to make sc2replaystats.com the best that it can be, we’ve updated the website again with some new features. Twitch Chat Bot The sc2replaystats.com twitch chat bot will post the link to the replay in the twitch chat shortly after you play a match, so your viewers can have instant access to replay statistics and […]