Ladder Challenge Update – Week 6

The sixth week is over for the 2014 season 2 ranked 1v1 ladder challenge!

It’s not too late to join!

If you are new to the ladder challenge, learn more here or sign up!

Listen to Dark Energy to fuel your laddering for this week’s update!

Raffle Winner

Congratulations, Shy! You win a month of Elite Membership!

Next week’s raffle: GM coaching!

For next weeks raffle, if you play 20 games you are eligible to be chosen for coaching from a Grandmaster player! The coach will vary depending on what race the winner plays.

Clan Challenge Update

Check out the clans listing — below are the top 5 clans who have been competing vigorously all season!


Remember, the top clan at the end of the challenge gets 3 months of Elite Membership for up to 50 clan members!

Progress Update

For our usual participation update, 290 accounts participated and 7618 games were played this week! Below is a list of how many people completed each level of the challenge.

Challenge Level
Players (This week)
Games (This week)

Below are the top 5 players by games played this week:


Additionally, below are the top 5 players by games played for all of this challenge. Whoever has the most games at the end of the season wins lifetime Elite Membership!



Now for the statistics! Tired of getting mass Roach every time, this week we pulled Supply stats for each race. The rewards for highest supply at 12 minutes go to:

Protoss: caseeker with 134

Zerg: TeaComposite with 191! (Guess what he built!)

Terran: Zero with 145

Additionally, we pulled statistics for Average Income Rate per Game, by league. Check it out!

Average Income per Game

Interestingly, there stops being a very big difference between leagues after Gold!

Special Replays

Special replays are back again! If you have a replay of your own that you think is special and you’d like it featured here, tweet it to @sc2replaystats on twitter!

Hero Unit

I went through 5 replays to find the best hero unit, because I didn’t just want the unit with the most kills — I wanted a true hero unit. Unlike many of the other candidates who got their kills by luck or chance and died as quickly as they became heroes, this hero Colossi earned his stripes by being in the thick of the battle from the beginning to the very,very end:

Not only that, but he may have won the Protoss player RedSpy the game. RedSpy was in a losing position against waves of Hydra/Ling from multiple directions, and after losing his third and his main, needed every unit to do the most it could for him to win — and that’s exactly what this hero Colossus did.

Mass Widow Mine?

We searched for the highest number of Widow Mines built in a single game, and found this master level TvZ with 128 Widow Mines built! The Terran player didn’t make as many Widow Mines as I would have liked, but it was still a fun Masters-level TvZ. He lost his third twice early in the game and was constantly stuck on a lower economy, but he kept fighting bank with fantastic pushes with 30 Widow Mines, like this one:

A few Widow Mine shots later, the Terran wins this fight!

Chattiest Replay

Chattiest replay is always something different. After finding out the first one was largely in Vietnamese, we got this one:

The early-game friendly banter turned sour at the end when the losing player, Spirit, echoed a common Protoss complaint: Hydralisks and their “infinite dps” are overpowered. Because of them, “this game just isn’t fun”!



Thanks for participating in the ladder challenge! Let us know here or on reddit what you’d like to see in the ladder challenge next week.

Good luck, and go crush those nasty Zergs, cheesing Protosses, and and viscous Terrans!


Ladder Challenge Update – Week 5

The fifth week is over for the 2014 season 2 ranked 1v1 ladder challenge! It’s not too late to join! If you are new to the ladder challenge, learn more here or sign up! Young Blood is the choice for epic motivating music today! Raffle Winner The winner of this weeks’ raffle is Testify! Congratulations, you’ve won coaching from Grandmaster […]

Ladder Challenge Update – Week 4

The forth week is over for the 2014 season 2 ranked 1v1 ladder challenge! If you are new to the ladder challenge, learn more here. Listen to I Still Have a Soul to motivate you for this week’s laddering session! Raffle Winner The winner of this weeks’ raffle is Heartolion! Congratulations, you’ve won coaching from Grandmaster player ZergZingZing. Next week’s […]

Ladder Challenge Update – Week 3

The third week is over for the 2014 season 2 ranked 1v1 ladder challenge! If you are new to the ladder challenge, learn more here. This week’s epic  music Falling Skies — may you crush many foes while listening to this song. Raffle Winner The winner of this weeks’ raffle was Seydoux – his replay has been chosen to be casted! […]

Ladder Challenge Season 2 – Week 2 Update

The second week is over for the 2014 season 2 ranked 1v1 ladder challenge! If you are new to the ladder challenge, learn more here. The song to inspire and motivate you to accomplish new feats on the ladder for this week is Heart of a Champion. Raffle Winner The winner of this weeks’ raffle was Syko, who won […]

Ladder Challenge Season 2 – Week 1 Update

The first week is over for the 2014 season 2 ranked 1v1 ladder challenge! If you are new to the ladder challenge, learn more here. The song to inspire and motivate you to accomplish new feats on the ladder for this week is Blackheart. Raffle Winner The winner of this weeks’ raffle was RatzBarcode, who won an […]

The Ladder Challenge Returns for Season 2

Click here to join the Ladder Challenge! Before you start reading this; put on your most epic and motivational music to set the right mood. If you don’t have any on hand, try We’ll Never Stop or Anthem of the World. What motivates you to play Starcraft? Is it reaching the next league — Diamond, Masters, or maybe […]

New Feature: Training Center

Sc2ReplayStats is proud to announce it’s newest website feature: The Training Center. The training center helps you improve by showing you what areas you are performing the best in. It compares statistics from your replays, like workers built, expansion timings, and upgrade timings, and compares them to the average times for your target promotion league. […]

Ladder Challenge First Season of 2014 – Week 12 Statistics

Only 2 full weeks left in the 1v1 Ladder Challenge!   Season 1 of 2014 ladder challenge has completed its Twelfth full week At the time of this post, a total of 86,113 (+9,914) games have been completed toward the challenge with 558 (+11) people participating. More Info about the challenge Win Rates  PvT 53% PvZ 49.1% TvZ 48.6% Top […]

Ladder Challenge First Season of 2014 – Week 11 Statistics

Only 3 full weeks left in the 1v1 Ladder Challenge!   Season 1 of 2014 ladder challenge has completed its Eleventh full week At the time of this post, a total of 76,199 (+5,068) games have been completed toward the challenge with 547 (+5) people participating. More Info about the challenge Win Rates  PvT 53.3% PvZ 48.9% TvZ […]