Ladder Challenge Update 2

Greetings, participants of the Sc2replaystats Ladder Challenge!

You can now pre-purchase Legacy of the Void which instantly grants access to the Legacy of the Void beta. We just wanted to remind our users that Legacy of the Void replays can be uploaded to and will count towards the ladder challenge.

If you are using the automatic replay uploading app, remember to click the settings tab and set the “Path to Sc2 Accounts Directory” to look at your entire My Documents folder so that the app will automatically detect both LotV and HotS replays.

Moving on, we’ve made a second infograph of Ladder Challenge statistics:

– Management

Written by Justin “TheSkunk” Purdy

The Ladder Challenge Returns!

Challenge yourself to improve! Click to join! The Challenge: Choose a goal for weekly number of ranked 1v1 games played, and the website will track your progress, give you motivation reminders, and track your weekly improvement in areas like supply blocks and worker production. Each season we’ve had hundreds of participants for the ladder challenge, […]

Website Improvements – Dashboard Challenges, Replay Heatmaps, Training Center & Twitch Bot Improvements

Greetings, folks! It’s time to bring you all another big update to the website, adding features to the dashboard, replay page, training center, and twitch bot! New to the Dashboard is a miniature weekly version of our ladder challenge. This will present with your current challenge level, your progress towards the next level, and your total […]

Legacy of the Void Replay Support

The past week has been great for StarCraft fans, with the WCS Premier finals and the launch of the Legacy of the Void beta. We at Sc2replaystats have been enjoying it all, but we’ve also been hard at work! With this latest update, LotV beta replays are now supported. Build Orders Unit Chart Basic Statistics Twitch […]

Website Improvements – Scelight Plugin, Army Chart Improvements, Bug Fixes

Greetings, StarCraft statistics enthusiasts! It hasn’t been long since our last update, but we’re back with more already! As always, you can follow us on twitter at @sc2replaystats for updates, support, and random statistics! Scelight We’ve created a replay-uploading plug-in for Scelight, the successor to Sc2gears. Now, if you use Scelight, you can enable our module which […]

Website Improvements -Faster, better servers!

Greetings StarCraft statistic fans! We at Sc2replaystats have a few changes we’ve made recently we want to talk to you about. In addition to these, we have several more features and improvements that are nearing implementation as well that you’ll hear about soon!   Faster, better servers! In addition to new features we’re always looking to improve the […]

New Improvements

Twitch Bot Improvements For those of you who use the Twitch Bot, we’ve added some new options which are available if you go to Settings > Twitch  Bot Panel on your sc2replaystats account profile. These settings allow you to customize information that will be included with the replay link every time you play a game […]

2015 Season 1 Ladder Challenge: Become a Ladder Champion

Are you one of those people who finds themselves watching StarCraft more than playing it? The ladder challenge is a fun but motivating challenge that provides what the StarCraft ladder system is missing. Just choose a goal for weekly number of ranked 1v1 games played, and the website will track your progress, give […] Version 3.0!

Click here to visit 3.0! Check it out — not a single page unchanged! We’re super excited to bring you version 3.0 of In addition to having a fresh, cleaner, easier to read layout website-wide, it’s packed with new features and more to come in the next week. You can now view more […]